Apresentamos "Gypsy" de Dee van Hellemond, uma viagem musical que tece a história de uma mulher de espírito livre cujo coração bate ao ritmo de uma alma cigana. Nesta composição, embarcamos numa exploração melódica de liberdade e autodescoberta dos confins de um lugar específico, encontrando o lar na força do próprio coração.
À medida que esta alma livre navega pela vida, cada estrada sinuosa se torna um caminho que a leva de volta ao âmago do seu ser. Imagens vívidas de um andarilho cuja jornada é guiada pela bússola interna da paixão e determinação.
We present "Gypsy" by Dee van Hellemond, a musical journey that weaves the story of a free-spirited woman whose heart beats to the rhythm of a gypsy soul. In this composition, we embark on a melodic exploration of freedom and self-discovery of the confines of a specific place, finding home in the strength of one's own heart.
As this free soul navigates through life, each winding road becomes a path that leads back to the core of her being. Vivid images of a wanderer whose journey is guided by the inner compass of passion and determination.
Lyrics, voice and instruments: @deevanhellemond
Featuring Solo Guitar: @tommisch
Production, Mix and Mastering: Sickonce | Diogo Lima | Lucas Campelo @SickonceStudio
Production & Voice Recording: Pedro Pinto @kimahera
Cinematographer: @rendervan
Creator Director and Editor: @deevanhellemond Cover Photo: @andre_gil_photography
Special thanks to my G¥PS¥ Tribe @amazingtrickhorses @fabis_camperlife @therendervan and Patrick
See you down the road.
Left my worries by the shore line
Gave my trust to the tide
I'm fine
Holding on the sun I'm alright
Unwritten pages
Forgotten faces
No more troubles in my mind
Could you drive towards the sun
when the road turns heavy and dry
I'll still be by your side
Don't you dare leave me behind
Please won't you take me
It wont matter where I'm going
Every road takes me home
As long as my heart stays strong
Ill keep my gypsy soul
I'll keep my Gypsy soul
Please won't you take me
What would you dare to leave behind
Won't you miss your home in time
Aren't you scared of falling high
Aren't you tired of sad goodbyes